Contest low down
Contest Format
The organised bit
- The contest heats will take place in a clearly marked area (flagged).
- The contest organisers/lifeguard will decide the best and safest state of the tide.
- Entrants may catch as many waves as they want in their allocated time, however only your first 10 rides will be scored.
- Entrants can surf outside or inside the break (dependant on conditions).
- Surfers must make every effort to stay in between flags and avoid other entrants.
- Lifeguards/organisers will cancel surfing if conditions become unsafe. This will be done by 3 blasts of the horn and the raising of the red flag.
- Drop ins will not be scored.
- The heat will start with a single horn blast and end with a double horn blast.
The Rules
The emphasis is on fun, but when the world title is at stake, there needs to be a rule or two…
Expression session (fun heats)
Expression session (fun heats) to be run before the WBBC and consist of two 10 minute heats – ladies first (naturally!), then men, on mass ! These first two fun heats will follow the press call/photo shoot. Judges will be looking for style, sportsmanship, length of ride and a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’. Back to top
World Belly Board Championship Heats
These are the slightly more serious heats for the World Title incorporating the Arthur Traveller Memorial Trophy. Approximately 20-30 heats of up to 8 persons per heat. Length of heat to be 10 or 15 minutes depending on the number of entrants. Mens and Womens heats will run simultaenously operating a split peak system. This will hopefully cut down considerably on waiting around time..
Judges will be looking for the length of ride, wave selection, change of direction, style and the most radical manoeuvres in the most critical part of the wave. i.e the curl.
Competitors should read their name, heat number and bathing cap colour and should report to the beach marshal ready to surf 5 minutes before the start of their heat. A horn blast will mark the start of the heat and double horn blast for the end. Time will be allowed for competitors to reach the waves before the start of each heat.
As in previous years the heats will be subdivided into juniors and seniors. Junior heats for the under 60’s and Senior’s a more stately over 60’s category. Back to top
Under 16s Competition Heats
All competitors must be under the age of 16 on the day of competition. Heats of up to 10 persons. Between 10 and 15 minutes duration. Boys and Girls heats will run simultaenously operating a split peak system. This will hopefully cut down considerably on waiting around time. Back to top
All competitors take part, at their own risk. The organisers accept no responsibility for accidents and injuries. Qualified RNLI lifeguards will be on duty. All competitors must read the safety policy and listen to a safety briefing prior to surfing. Back to top
WBBC competition boards should be less than 5ft in length, no wider than 2ft and no more than ¾” in thickness. They should be made of wood (fibreglass and composites acceptable in the expression sessions as are fins, flippers, small skegs, Alaia boards and Paipo’s. We expect a more traditional 1ft wide plywood board to be considered for the Arthur Traveller Memorial Trophy. Back to top
Bathing costumes only, no wetsuits allowed. Wetsuit/neoprene boots acceptable (if weever fish are present). Colour coded swim caps must be worn during Championship heats, Arthur Traveller Memorial Trophy heats and Junior comp heats to aid identification by the judges. These will be provided prior to the start of each heat, please check board for cap colour. For expression session wear what you like. Back to top
Important Please Read
Water Safety Plan and Policy
Safety Plan
3 consecutive whistle blasts – all surfers must leave the water.
Regroup at top of beach for a head count.
Lifeguards will deal with situation.
Emergency services will be notified by land line.
First Aid to be administered by lifeguards.
Surfers finding themselves in difficulty must raise right arm and call for help.
Details to logbook.
Safety Policy
Surfers must notify water safety officer of any health conditions which may affect safety of entrant.
Surfers must be aware that the water can be cold and act accordingly.
Some underlying rocks can cause injury to feet, etc.
Please be aware of and try to avoid collision from/with other surfers.
Weever fish are still present, if stung leave water immediately and see lifeguards.
Please do not push yourself beyond your capabilities.
Have fun.
Although all aspects of safety have been covered all entrants who enter the contest do so at their own risk.